Liver Pain: 5 Alarming Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments


The liver is one of the body’s most vital or Crucial organs and plays multiple important roles in the human body. It assists in fighting infections, cleaning and removing waste from the blood, and more. It takes care of the metabolism, it has a remarkable ability to repair itself from harm. Moreover, it can be life-threatening if the liver stops functioning properly. Some individuals may feel this pain, which may occur due to multiple reasons. It is essential to recognize the significant pain causes and also get liver pain treatment to prevent irreversible issues.
This article will teach us more about where liver pain is located, its causes, treatments, and more.

Liver pain

The liver is a vital part or organ that performs multiple critical functions, such as filtering blood, protecting against infections, and more. Because the liver doesn’t have pain cells, problems are felt in different body parts, usually in the abdomen.

Liver pain location

This pain location or position is usually in the upper right abdomen, exactly below the ribs. This portion is where the liver is situated, in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. Many times, liver pain may radiate to the right shoulder or between the shoulder blades. It refers to the pain location associated with liver issues.
The liver is a essential organ that plays a central role in detoxification, nutrient storage, or metabolism. It filters blood, produces or manufacture bile for digestion, and aids in breaking down fats, carbohydrates, & proteins.

The function of the liver

The function of the liver 

Our liver is indeed a lifeline. It processes food and removes harmful things from our bodies. Let’s explore its primary jobs.

  • Detoxification

Think of your liver as a filter. It purges toxins and waste from your blood, including things like alcohol and drugs.

  • Metabolism

The liver is crucial in breaking down carbs, fats, and proteins. It turns food into substances your body needs. It also stores essential things like sugar and vitamins.

  • Producing essential proteins

The liver makes crucial proteins for blood clotting and maintaining blood pressure.

Liver pain symptoms

Liver pain symptoms

The liver communicates that something is wrong via liver pain symptoms. Therefore, knowing where this pain is felt and the types of pain can help spot trouble early.

Abdominal pain

The most common signal of liver trouble is a throbbing or stabbing pain in the upper-right belly. Sometimes, a dull ache can become noticeable when applying pressure or moving.

Pain in the right shoulder

Liver-induced pain can affect other parts of your body, too. The right shoulder is one such place. It is known as referred pain, meaning the origin and site of pain differ.

Additional liver pain symptoms to consider

Apart from pain, other signs may point toward liver trouble.

  • Enlarged liver: If your liver grows more extensive than average, it can lead to discomfort right under your rib cage on the right side.
  • Fever: Problems in your liver can sometimes cause fever, making you feel tired and ill.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Your liver plays a big part in digestion, and any trouble in the liver may cause nausea and vomiting.

Liver pain reasons or causes 

Here are some reasons for this pain:

  1. Infections affecting the liver

Various infections can inflame the liver and lead to pain. Some common ones include:

  • Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A is a short-term liver infection. It usually resolves by itself but may sometimes lead to liver failure. It is generally transmitted when feces-infected food is consumed.
  • Hepatitis B: This virus impacts the liver and may become a long-term issue. It can scar the liver or lead to liver cancer. It is usually transmitted when one comes in contact with infected blood, semen, other body fluids, or syringes.
  • Hepatitis C: It is a virus that spreads through blood. It often results in chronic liver disease. Transmission is the same as for hepatitis B.

2. Immune system abnormalities

Particular liver concerns may be due to an abnormal immune response. These include:

  • Autoimmune hepatitis: In this condition, your immune system attacks healthy liver cells. It damages the liver.
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis: The ducts that carry bile from the liver get inflamed and destroyed. It leads to liver scarring.

3. Genetic conditions

Some inherited diseases can lead to liver pain.

  • Hemochromatosis: Here, the body absorbs too much iron from food, resulting in a buildup in the liver.
  • Wilson’s disease: Too much copper builds up in your liver and other organs, leading to liver damage if not treated.

4. Cancer and liver-related growths

Tumors may cause liver pain. The cancers can be as follows:

  • Liver cancer: Liver cancer happens due to long-lasting liver diseases, and pain in the upper right abdomen often accompanies other symptoms.
  • Liver adenoma: These benign tumours can cause pain and frequently occur in women on birth control pills. Ruptures are uncommon but life-threatening.
  • Secondary metastases: Sometimes, the primary cancer is elsewhere in the body, but cancer cells can travel to the liver and produce secondary tumours in the liver. This process is known as metastasis. It may cause liver pain as well.

5. Other cause

Let’s look at some other reasons for liver pain.

  • Fatty liver disease occurs when liver cells start storing fat. Obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes can trigger this.
  • Liver cirrhosis: Liver cirrhosis is the end or last stage of chronic liver disease. It involves scarring and decreased function, which causes pain.
  • Liver injury or trauma: Injuries or trauma to the liver can result in liver pain.
Liver pain after eating

Liver pain after eating

Liver pain after eating may be due to various factors, including gallbladder issues, fatty liver disease, or inflammation. It is essential to consult with a doctor or healthcare expert to determine the cause and appropriate treatment for the discomfort.

How to stop liver pain immediately

Apply a heating pad to the upper right abdomen for 10-15 min to ease pain and relax muscles. Take ginger supplements or ginger tea to reduce inflammation, which causes pain. Rest helps the liver rejuvenate and stops the discomfort faster.

How to reduce liver pain at home

How to reduce liver pain at home

Below are some common treatments people can follow to cure liver pain at home.

  1. Drink more water.
  2. Avoid alcohol.
  3. Steer clear of fatty foods.
  4. Check your posture and sit up straight to take pressure off your liver.
  5. Consume enough protein.
  6. Watch your cholesterol.
  7. Exercise daily.

Liver pain treatment

Treatment for liver pain or disease depends on the diagnosis. Some liver issues may be treated with lifestyle modifications, like losing weight or not drinking alcohol. These changes are often part of a medical program that monitors liver tasks.

Other liver issues may be treated with surgery or medicines.

Liver disease that reason liver failure may need a liver transplant.

Lifestyle changes for better liver health 

Lifestyle changes for better liver health 

How can you avoid liver pain and boost your liver health? Here are a few lifestyle tips:

  • Decrease alcohol consumption: Cutting down on alcohol is one of the top ways to stop liver damage and pain.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Controlling your weight can lessen your chances of developing fatty liver disease and other related issues.
  • Eating a balanced diet: Eating a diet filled with fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats, as well as limiting processed foods, helps your liver do its job well.
  • Regular exercise: Regular workouts help manage weight and enhance liver health and function.


It is essential to address liver pain promptly. Using this guide to identify liver pain early can steer you towards timely medical care, dodging harsh complications and paving the way for early treatment and better results. By following healthy habits like regular workouts, eating nourishing meals, and drinking less alcohol, you may lower the risk of liver pain and boost overall liver health.

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