A Persian cucumber is a small, delicate cucumber with a soft exterior, thin skin, and few seeds. They’re narrower than regular cucumbers and have a crispy interior and gentle flavour, and they plant to be less watery than other cucumbers. There are many types of Persian cucumbers, including Figaro, Picolino, Socrates, Cordito, Katrina, Manar, Iznik, and Ishtar. These cultivars are also found in markets typically labelled Middle Eastern, Lebanese, Mini-Cucumber, Beit Alfa, Beit Alpha, and Green Baby Fingers.

Persian Cucumber
Persian Cucumbers were developed in Persia (Iran) but are now grown worldwide. They are squat and cylindrical, with thin, easy-to-chew skin. They’re thicker than other types and have nearly no watery seeds.
These delicate, delightfully crunchy cucumbers are considered some of the best. Their surface makes them ideal for salads and snacks; all you need to appreciate a fantastic Persian cucumber is a bit of salt. Persian cucumbers are little and about five to six inches long. English cucumbers, on the other hand, grow to about 1 foot. You’ll generally find Persian cucumbers bundled in groups of six or eight, while English cucumbers are sold separately, usually wrapped in plastic to protect their tender skin.

Persian cucumber seed and size
Persian Cucumber is a modern 5-6-inch-long, slim baby cucumber bred initially in northern Israel as a super crunchy, nearly seedless, burpless, spineless, thin-skinned type that is comfortable to snack on and requires no peeling! It has very rare tiny seeds, indicating they don’t need to be seeded as part of prep either.
Persian Cucumber Calories and Nutrition
Cucumbers are a source of fibre to regulate the digestive tract, vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, and potassium to balance fluid groups within the body. They also supply manganese and vitamin K to assist in quicker wound healing, antioxidants to protect the cells against harm provoked by free radicals, and other nutrients, including vitamin A, calcium, iron, and silica.
As with all cucumbers, Persian cucumbers are excessively lower in calories, with around 18 per 100g serving, and are also fat-free. They have a high water content, at around 95%, which causes them a great way to stay hydrated. They also supply a valuable source of fibre, manganese, vitamins C and K, magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants.
There are several possible health advantages of eating Persian cucumbers.
They include antioxidants, which protect the cells against harm from free radicals and toxic substances that can generate several chronic illnesses, including cancer.
Their high water content may also prove advantageous in several ways. An examination of several investigations shows that eating foods high in water but lower in calories may aid weight loss, and good hydration also allows for maintaining healthy bowel movements. Cucumbers may be ideal for your digestive system, as they also have a type of fibre called pectin, which may speed up the activity of intestinal muscles and allow feed ‘friendly’ gut bacteria.
Persian cucumber benefits
1. Low in Calories
They are a great addition to any diet as they are lower in calories. With only sixteen calories per 100 grams, they push for a guilt-free snack or component in your favourite dishes.

2. Brain Health
Cucumbers contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called fisetin. Fisetin enhances remembrance and protects nerve cells from age-related decline. Cucumbers also include a trace mineral called molybdenum. Molybdenum is crucial to the brain’s enzyme functions and prevents Alzheimer’s disease.
3. High Water Content
Staying hydrated is necessary, and they may help you with that. Their water content is around 96%, which can assist keep you hydrated and contribute to a healthful lifestyle.
4. Liver Health
Persian cucumbers are the best liver-benefiting food because they are rich in C vitamins, vitamin B, and trace minerals. When eaten every day, they may reverse liver damage, dialling back 10 to 15 years of toxin exposure.
5. Rich in Vitamins
They are packed with crucial vitamins. They are a fantastic origin of Vitamin C, which is necessary for bone healthiness and blood clotting, and Vitamin K, which supports the immune system and assists with collagen production.

6. Heart Health
Persian cucumbers include dozens of antioxidants, including flavonoids, which are understood to protect against heart disease. They also contain lignin, an anti-inflammatory component that boosts immunity and decreases the occurrence of all the dangers associated with cardiovascular disease. The created free radicals cause the most harmful effects of a heart attack, and the caffeic acid in Persian cucumbers helps remove them.
7. Better skin and Hair
Cucumbers are a fantastic source of nutrients like water, vitamins A and C, sulfate potassium, and natural anti-inflammatories that soothe and calm skin infections like sunburns. If you put cucumbers on the eyes, they may assist in decreasing morning puffiness. The high water content allows cucumbers to hydrate tender skin in the eye region. Their cold minimizes the swelling by limiting the lymph and blood vessels that carry fluid to the eye region. Cucumbers are loaded with silica. The silicon and sulfur in cucumbers assist in encouraging hair growth.
8. Fiber-Rich
Adding these cucumbers to your diet can encourage healthy digestion. They are prosperous in dietary fibre, which assists in good digestion, stops constipation, and helps overall gut health.
9. Reduce Blood Sugar
Cucumbers are substances that stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin, decreasing the diabetic’s sugar production.
10. Low in Carbs
They are an excellent choice for those pursuing a low-carb or keto diet. Their lower carbohydrates make them suitable for individuals looking to control their carb intake.
11. Healthy Kidney
Persian cucumbers are famous as the best kidney cleanser known to date. This is because they allow debris and stones to be washed from the kidneys and bladder. Investigations have shown that eating Persian cucumbers controls uric acid, thereby controlling specific kidney and bladder stones.
12. Antioxidant Properties
They contain antioxidants like flavonoids and beta-carotene, which help protect the body from free radicals, lower the risk of chronic diseases, and encourage overall health.
13. Hydrating Electrolytes
They provide hydration and essential electrolytes like magnesium and potassium. These electrolytes maintain fluid balance, support muscle function, and donate to a healthy heart.
14. Pain Relief
Persian Cucumbers are wealthy in anti-inflammatory combinations, such as flavonoids, powerful pain-reducing substances. These combinations restrict the proliferation of free radicals in the body, leading to less pain. Persian cucumbers are understood explicitly to decrease toothaches; a chilled cucumber or slice of fresh Cucumber may be held against the tooth that hurts, reducing the pain. Please put it in the mouth directly on the infected tooth. The coolness from the Cucumber will soothe the ache and remove the pain.

15. Natural Detoxification
They have a high water content and can stimulate urine production, flush toxins from the body, and support natural detoxification processes.
16. Bone and Joint Health
Persian Cucumber is a beneficial vitamin K source and is important for bone health. Low vitamin K infusion has been associated with an increased risk of bone fracture. Vitamin K is also essential for enhancing calcium absorption in the bones. Cucumber is a fantastic source of silica, which is known to help boost joint health by supporting the connective tissues. They are also prosperous in vitamins A, B1, B6, C & D, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium.
17. Reduce Stress
It also contains multiple B vitamins, including vitamin B5, vitamin B1, and vitamin B7 (biotin). B vitamins are understood to support and reduce feelings of Stress and buffer some of its damaging consequences.
18. Aids in Weight Loss
Thanks to their low calories and high water content, they can significantly contribute to a weight-loss diet. They assist you feel full while controlling your calorie intake, making them a satisfying and nutritious choice.
19. Digestion and Constipation
It supports reducing constipation by delivering fibre and water. Cucumbers include fibre, which allows bowel movements to be regulated. In particular, pectin, the soluble fibre found in cucumbers, can increase bowel motion frequency. The high water content and dietary fibre in cucumbers are adequate in ridding the body of toxins from the digestive system, aiding digestion. Cucumbers are fibre-rich, besides nutrients and minerals like calcium, pepsin, fat, C vitamins, and folate, and they are a beneficial protein ensuring proper digestion.
20. Bad Breath
Bad breath is usually generated by bacteria in the mouth. Cucumber fluid and saliva activated by chewing help cleanse the mouth and wash away these stinky culprits.
21. Cancer Prevention
Current investigations concluded that cucumbers include powerful lignans (pinoresinol, secoisolariciresinol, and lariciresinol) that lower the risk of several cancers, including uterus, prostate, ovarian, and breast. The decreased risk of estrogen-related cancers, like cancers of the uterus, ovary, breast, and prostate, has been associated with the infusion of dietary lignans from a mixture of different plant foods, including Cucumber. A Greek analysis also found that females with breast cancer consumed exceedingly rarer cucumbers than those without breast cancer. A Swiss investigation found that eating cucumbers, among other vegetables and fruits, was associated with good protection against breast cancer.
22. Versatile Cooking Ingredient
They can be used in different dishes, from salads and sandwiches to refreshing drinks. Their mild taste and crisp texture make them versatile ingredients that improve the flavour and presentation of your culinary creations.
So, here are Persian Cucumber Nutrition Facts highlighting the nutritional advantages of including this refreshing vegetable in your diet. Whether you like to lose weight, stay hydrated, or help your overall health, Persian cucumbers are an excellent addition to any meal. Try them in salads, enjoy them with dips, or eat them raw for a vital and healthy treat.

Persian cucumber salad and recipes
You can also try the famous Persian cucumber salad. It is made with fresh Cucumber, cherry tomatoes, herbs, radish, red onion, toasted walnuts, and lime vinaigrette. It’s beautiful to serve as a salad or side dish in summer or all year. Shirazi Salad is also known as Persian cucumber and tomato salad, expressing its Persian roots.
Persian Cucumber vs mini Cucumber
Persian cucumbers, often called “mini cucumbers, “are much shorter than English cucumbers. About 6 inches in length, they have fragile skin and are nearly seedless.
A Persian cucumber is a small, delicate cucumber with a soft exterior, thin skin, and few seeds. They’re narrower than regular cucumbers and have a crispy interior and gentle flavour, and they plant to be less watery than other cucumbers. There are many types of Persian cucumbers, including Figaro, Picolino, Socrates, Cordito, Katrina, Manar, Iznik, and Ishtar. These cultivars are also found in markets typically labelled Middle Eastern, Lebanese, Mini-Cucumber, Beit Alfa, Beit Alpha, and Green Baby Fingers.
Their high water content may also prove advantageous in several ways. An examination of several investigations shows that eating foods high in water but lower in calories may aid weight loss, and good hydration also allows for maintaining healthy bowel movements. Cucumbers may be ideal for your digestive system, as they also have a type of fibre called pectin, which may speed up the activity of intestinal muscles and allow feed ‘friendly’ gut bacteria.