Figs Fruit and Dried Figs: 10 Tremendous Benefits of Figs Fruit


Figs Fruit are oblong or pear-shaped fruits that are syconium. They are mainly the edible fruit of a widely cultivated tree (Ficus carica) with laxative qualities. Figs are a unique fruit that is similar to a teardrop. They’re about the size of the thumb, filled with thousands of tiny seeds, and have an edible green or purple peel.

The fruit’s flesh is pink and has a sweet, mild taste. The research base name for the fig is Ficus carica. Figs fruit is also known as ‘anger/anjeer’ in Hindi. Today, figs are grown worldwide in countries with dry and warm climates. Figs are frequently known as a fruit but are a type of flower. Calimyrna figs are not only delicious but also nutritious. They are rich in vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, and iron, providing ample energy. Moreover, they are easy to digest and a good source of natural fibre.

Figs Fruit and Dried Figs

Figs Fruit and Dried Figs

Choosing fresh or dried figs depends on a person’s tastes, preferences, and circumstances. Dried figs contain more calories, sugar, dietary fibre, minerals, and vitamins than fresh figs fruit. Fresh figs will have more vitamin A, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. Moreover, dry figs are nothing like fresh figs and tend to be sweeter and chewier. Nutritious and loaded with taste, dry figs fruit provide various health benefits. Dry fig fruit benefits our body by promoting healthy Digestion, lowering heart disease risks, and helping regulate our sugar levels.

What do figs taste like

All figs fruit have a jam-like quality and taste like a mix of strawberry, currant, and date. Notes of honey, flowers, and nuts underline these flavours. Figs fruit taste like a mix of berries, dried fruits, melons, and sugar flavours. I’ve eaten figs that taste like cherries, strawberries, or raspberries, while others taste like dates, raisins, brown sugar, or even honey.

Figs fruit benefits

Figs fruit benefits

  1. Improve Digestion: Since figs are rich in dietary fibre, they help make Digestion smoother and regular. They also help keep constipation and other digestive problems at bay and help maintain a healthier gut.
  2. Improves Heart Health: Here’s a natural way to improve cardiovascular health and regulate blood pressure. Fresh anger has potassium and magnesium, which can help reduce the risk of heart stroke and improve overall health.
  3. Helps in Weight Loss: You can harness the benefits of figs for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight, as this fruit promotes satiety and makes you feel less hungry. Its low-calorie content makes it a nutritious snack for those watching their calorie intake.
  4. Enhances Bone Health: Dry figs help strengthen bones. Thus, regular consumption of anjeer can lower one’s risk of bone-related disorders.
  5. Controls Blood Sugar The soluble fibre content in anjeer dry fruit benefits your blood sugar by slowing down the soaking of sugar in the bloodstream and reducing the risk of type two diabetes. Thus, figs are an excellent addition to the daily diet and can help you lead a healthier life.
  6. Boosts Immune System: Another significant benefit of eating anjeer is that it can help boost the immune system and help your body fight against multiple infections and diseases. The high content of minerals and vitamins helps the body defend against infections and illnesses.
Figs Fruit and Dried Figs Improves Skin Health

7. Improves Skin Health: The antioxidants present in dry anjeer benefit your skin and help delay the indications of ageing, like wrinkles & fine lines. The vitamins inside fig fruit also help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation to promote healthier-looking skin.

8. Cures Respiratory Problems: Another benefit of eating figs is that they support respiratory wellness. Figs help hydrate the respiratory system, reduce cough, and soothe a sore throat and other lung obstructions.

9. May Treat Insomnia: Try dried figs for insomnia or sleeping disorders. The fruit of figs contains tryptophan, which can induce sleep by improving blood circulation.

10. May Help Treat Alzheimer’s Disease: According to Multiple Studies, regularly consuming dried figs can help treat neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s. This is because eating figs fruit benefits neurological health by easing neuroinflammation and reducing anxiety.

Figs fruit benefits for male

Figs fruit benefits for male

Regular consumption of anjeer benefits men’s sexual health and also contributes to their muscle strength. Nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and vitamins can help improve sperm count and motility and protect against prostate-related issues. Thus, the benefits of anjeer for males make it a worthy addition to their health regimen.

Figs fruit benefits for female

Figs fruit benefits for female

They are consuming soaked anjeer benefits female hormone levels, especially during hormonal fluctuations such as menstruation and menopause. Since figs are also a good source of calcium, they help with low bone density, a common problem many women face. Moreover, some considerable benefits of figs in pregnancy make them a superfood for expecting mothers.

Figs fruit benefits for children

Figs are a great nutrient and fibre source that can assist the baby in growing and developing. They are also an antimicrobial agent that can help build the child’s immune and digestive systems.

Ripe figs have large quantity of dietary fibre, which may help with constipation. Figs have been known as a natural laxative from the time they are high in fibre.

It has a lot of minerals and nutrients that can help the child grow and develop well. Minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and calcium are essential for infants since their bodies are rapidly expanding—and figs can provide them in adequate quantities. Infants are receptive to a lot of infections and conditions like hepatitis and jaundice. Figs can give sufficient protection in this case – even doctors sometimes prescribe dried fig recipes for babies.

Figs are also an antimicrobic agent, which can assist in the development of the immune system of the child. They are beneficial for the baby’s digestive system.

How to eat figs fruit and add figs fruit to diet

How to eat figs fruit and add figs fruit to diet

There are some ways to add figs to your diet, each with its possible benefits. Here are the four main ways to include figs in the diet:

  • Fresh figs: Fresh figs are very low in calories and make a great snack. They’re also an excellent addition to desserts or salads. You may also make fig jam or preserves with fresh figs.
  • Dried figs have high sugar levels and calories, so they should be eaten in self-restraint. However, they may be more effective at treating constipation than fresh figs.
  • Fig leaves: Although they may be hard to find outside speciality grocers, fig leaves are nutritious and can be used in various ways. Like grape leaves, they’ve often been used as wraps for dishes containing meat, rice, or more fillings.
  • Fig leaf tea: Fig leaf tea is created from dried fig leaves. You may make it yourself or purchase premade fig leaf teas online or in speciality stores.

You can enjoy figs in various ways, but due to their high level of sugar content, you should only eat dried figs in self-restraint or use them as an occasional home treatment for constipation.

How are figs made, and when are figs in season

How are figs made, and when are figs in season

A fig is the stem of a very enlarged and fleshy inflorescence surrounding the tiny flowers inside. The crunchy little things you notice when eating a fig are the seeds, each corresponding to one flower. Such a unique flower requires a unique pollinator.

Figs are typically in season from mid-May across November. Some varieties (like Black Mission) have two seasons: the early summer season produces fruit on old tree branches, and the late summer/fall season produces fruit on new branches.


Digestive symptoms

Eating too many figs can lead to a high fibre intake, which may cause gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. Also, eating too many figs may prevent some minerals from going out of balance. So, eat figs in moderation.

Allergic Reactions and Sensitivities

People allergic to birch pollen or latex may also be allergic to figs. If you notice itching, burning, or swelling in your mouth or throat after eating figs, you might be allergic to them. Stop eating them and seek medical help immediately.

The Caloric Content and Weight Gain

Dried figs fruit are higher in sugar and calories, so if you watch your weight, consume them in moderation.

Interactions with Medications

Figs are high in vitamin K, which aids normal blood clotting. However, this vitamin can interact with certain blood-thinning drugs. Discuss this with your doctor before adding figs to your diet if you are taking such medicines.


Figs are very rich in anti-inflammatory antioxidants & provide fibre and more minor minerals. They may also support digestive, gut, & menstrual health, improve inflammatory conditions, aid weight management, and offer cancer protection. If you have IBS(Irritable bowel syndrome), latex, or birch pollen allergies, talk with your healthcare provider before incorporating figs into your diet.  Moreover, dry figs are nothing like fresh figs and tend to be sweeter and chewier. Nutritious and loaded with taste, dry figs provide various health benefits. Dry fig fruit benefits our body by promoting healthy Digestion, lowering heart disease risks, and helping regulate our sugar levels.