Neck Fat: 10 Effective Neck Fat Exercises


Neck fat, technically submental fat, is often associated with weight gain. A fat neck is usually called a double chin, which describes the layers of neck fat rolls that typically appear when someone has this condition. There are different causes for excessive fat around the neck. The most common reason is excess fat on any other body part, such as being overweight. Excess neck fat, mainly because of being overweight, may be associated with some chance.

Overweight people with a fat neck tend to have more narrow airways in the throat, which can increase the risk of sleep apnea. Extra neck fat is caused by thyroid or hormone issues such as PCOS or PCOD and has complications. The neck fact also lowers people’s self-esteem, and they are not confident in public places. Neck fat can seriously affect a person’s well-being. People with neck fat no longer feel good about their neck fat or themselves and don’t want to leave the house.

Neck fat and Double chin

Neck fat and double chin are synonyms, and people use these terms interchangeably worldwide.

Neck fat reason and cause

Neck fat reason and cause

Mainly overweight is the cause of neck fat(NF) and double chin, but there are several other factors also, and these are:

  • Genetics: Genetics plays an important role in fat accumulation under the chin and in the likelihood of developing a double chin. If the family has a history of submental fat, you may also be more prone to it. It is better to take precautions.
  • Ageing: Ageing is the procedure of becoming older. As people age, they lose muscle tone in the face and neck and experience skin thinning. As we get older, our skin starts naturally losing collagen and elasticity or flexibility. It may lead to sagging skin and a reduction in the skin’s ability to bounce back. The combination of these factors may contribute to developing a double chin.
  • Posture: Poor posture can also contribute to developing a double chin. Spending much time each day hunched over phones, computers, or other devices strains neck & back muscles. Weakened muscles around the jaw & cervical spine cannot support overlying skin, leading to premature sagging and fullness below the chin.
  • Weight gain: One of the most usual causes of a double chin is weight gain. It can result in the accumulation of submental fat.
  • Diet: A diet high in calories or excessive calories, unhealthy fats or saturated fat, and processed foods may lead to overweight and fat accumulation under the chin. It would help if you were always careful about what you eat & how much you ingest because an unhealthy diet is one of the most common causes of a double chin. Eating healthy foods full of fruit, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and good fats may help keep weight off.
  • Exercise: Lack of exercise is one cause of neck fat or double chin. Physical inactivity can give to weight gain and muscle laxity, which can be associated with developing a double chin.
Neck fat removal

Neck fat removal

You can remove NF or double chin from your body very quickly. However, it depends upon the person’s situation, as individual differences exist. First, we will discuss the exercises, and then you will learn about NF removal surgery.

Neck fat reduction and How to get rid of neck fat

Neck fat reduction and How to get rid of neck fat

Most people struggle to eliminate NF, even after trying so many diets and exercises. The best news is that some specific exercises may help. Here are some of the best. Exercise is the best treatment ever, free of cost, but you must exercise daily. This exercise helps reduce NF while improving blood circulation in the shoulders.

How to lose neck fat

When people think about exercise, they think of strength training that works the biceps, chest, and legs. However, chin exercises may help firm the jawline, build up the neck muscles, & minimize the look of neck fat or double chin. The following neck fat exercises may improve the appearance of your jawline and neck area.

Neck fat exercise or Neck fat loss exercise

Neck fat exercise or Neck fat loss exercise

There are some Best Exercises for Getting Rid of Neck Fat:

  • Neck circle, neck Rotation, or Neck Rolls: This exercise is simple yet effective. Start by sitting or standing tall with the shoulders relaxed. After that, slowly rotate the head in a circle, keeping the chin up & back straight. Complete 10-12 rotations in the other direction as well.
  • Jaw clenches: This exercise works with our jaw and neck muscles. You have to Start by standing or sitting tall with your mouth closed. Next, slowly clench the teeth & hold for 6 seconds. Then, slowly release and relax your jaw. Repeat 10-12 times daily.
  • Neck lifts work the deep neck muscles. Begin by resting on the back with your head and shoulders above the ground. Next, lift your head slowly until you feel a mild stretch in your neck muscles. Hold for 10 seconds before gradually lowering back to the starting position. Repeat 10-20 times more.
  • Fish lips work the muscles around the mouth and chin. Start by standing or sitting with the shoulders relaxed. Next, pucker the lips as if trying to kiss a fish, hold for 5-10 seconds, then release. Repeat 10-20 times.
  • Chin towards the Ceiling: Sit or Stand comfortably with the spine straight. Gently tilt the head back & look at the ceiling or roof. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat this move 10-20 times Daily.
  • Stick Your Tongue Out: This Exercise is also called lion pose in Yoga, and visualization of a lion’s roar is an excellent substructure. Open your mouth as wide as you can sit, stick the tongue out as far as you can, and slowly bring the tongue back in. Do this exercise a minimum of 10-15 times a day.
  • Mouthwash Exercise: Keep the visual of filling the mouth with mouthwash & swishing it from cheek to cheek in the mind. Now, fill your mouth with air & swish it as if it were mouthwash. Keep this motion going for 5-10 minutes. Do this five times daily to tone your cheeks and reduce a double chin.
  • Ball Exercise: Sit up straight & relaxed. Take the small, squeezable ball & place it under the chin. Slowly push the chin downward, putting pressure on the ball. Do this exercise for 10-20 repetitions several times a day.
  • Whistle to the sky: Sit straight and relax your shoulders. Slant your head back to look at the roof. Close your lips or make an “O” shape with your lips as if you were whistling. Keep your lips released but near enough to feel your neck muscles contract and release. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds. Start at the lower end & work towards 25 seconds. Do 10- 12 repetitions.
  • Chewing Gum: Last but not least, chewing gum can reduce fat in your neck. It’s an excellent workout for your facial muscles, especially jaw muscles.
Neck fat removal surgery

Neck fat removal surgery

Plastic surgeons use several procedures to remove a double chin or neck fat. These procedures include:

  • Liposuction removes fat beneath the skin and sculpts the chin and neck contour. “We make a small cut under the skin, insert a tube, and pull out the fat. It requires only local anaesthetic to numb the general area.
  • Facelift: It allows doctors to remove fat & loose, baggy skin around the chin & neck, removing neck fat or double chin. “Most people are asleep under general anaesthesia, though it is possible to do it with a local anaesthetic.
  • Neck lift: Different types of neck lift process aim to remove extra fat or screw up neck muscles to improve the outline of the neck & chin. They often combine a traditional facelift with this process, which may cause a tight feeling in the neck for several months.


A fat neck is usually called a double chin, which describes the layers of neck fat rolls that typically appear when someone has this condition. There are different causes for excessive fat around the neck. Mainly overweight is the cause of neck fat and double chin. Genetics plays an important role in fat accumulation under the chin and the likelihood of developing a double chin. Poor posture may also contribute to creating a double chin.

Spending much time each day hunched over phones, computers, or other devices strains neck and back muscles.  When people think about exercise, they think of strength training that works the biceps, chest, and legs. However, chin exercises may help firm the jawline, build up the neck muscles, & minimize the look of neck fat or double chin.